Daltons Midway Service

Fix My Car AC!

Even the sun is sweating!

Yep, we knew it was coming. Just like night follows day, the warm temperatures were eventually heading our way to Western Washington. Is your Vehicle Air Conditioning not performing its best? Or is your Car Air Conditioning not working at all? Don’t worry, you’re not too late. At Daltons Midway, we have the tools to get you driving cool! Give us a call at 360-668-7111, and our Skilled Auto Mechanics are happy to get your Air Conditioning blowing cold again.

Published by Brooke

Brooke Yool (Vice President, Daltons Midway) is a caffeine-dependent life form and a Crossfit addict who takes pride in taking care of her body -- after all, it's the only place we have to live. Prefers her puns intended.